I am requesting prayer for wisdom. For both Eric and I. We are coming to the end of our lease and need to downsize our living expenses (utilities are INSANE in Texas!). That being said we are in search of an apartment, but that is no easy task and there are SO many factors we are weighing.

We are also trying to figure out our best option for a second vehicle and how to go about that. And today I started having a minor issue with the van and needing a clear definition of need and want. Were I perfectly healthy I could probably call it a want, but it may truly be a need…

I tend to over analyze, have difficulty making decisions, and then constantly wonder if the decision I (or we) made was the right one. I am hoping that if I pray for wisdom and clarity, that I will also have peace with the decisions that are made. I really want to listen to the voice of God, but sometimes it is faint when there are so many other things shouting over him that I can’t focus!

I have great friends (and some strangers)that have been lifting us up in prayer, helping me pack, and taking care of meals. Especially now that Eric and I are sharing a car my fatigue has been kicked up a notch!

I am SO truly blessed. I need to keep reminding myself of the good things in life – the laughter of my children, the love of my husband, and the listening ears of my friends. That we do have food on the table, that Eric has a job, that I have a really comfortable bed, the list goes on and on. Some days I lose sight of the bigger picture. (Even though my bigger picture is much smaller than His bigger picture)

Of course, drowning my sorrows in an occasional Grande White Chocolate Mocha never hurts either =)

Thank you to all of you for your prayers and encouragement.

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