Today is the first day I have been alone with Daniel for any length of time and I am tired! Pain wise I am doing…
Headed Home
We have had – overall- a good week. A couple of really long days at the hospital and a couple of days to play as…
Well, now I know.
Sometimes in life we have concerns and fears that are unreasonable, other times they are completely valid. Yesterday one of my great concerns was validated.…
Happy Pumpkin Day
We have never been a big Halloween family. I love that my kids have no idea that they are ‘supposed’ to go and Trick or…
Cookies from Heaven
My posts won’t be in chronological order for awhile, but I still feel like I need to get some of my ‘God Moments’ out there…
A New Start
I am moving my carebridges posts over to blogspot…patience while I transition =)Today is a good day so far. I am trying to hang out…