Headed Home

We have had – overall- a good week. A couple of really long days at the hospital and a couple of days to play as…

Well, now I know.

Sometimes in life we have concerns and fears that are unreasonable, other times they are completely valid. Yesterday one of my great concerns was validated.…

A Recap…

Is it too early to be tired of being tired? I think yes.But I promised a recap of events, so here it is.September 30th –…

A New Start

I am moving my carebridges posts over to blogspot…patience while I transition =)Today is a good day so far. I am trying to hang out…

Hope On!

Romans 15:13 – One of my many messages from God this month. I am currently doing a Beth Moore study on the Patriarchs and we…


Life is full of surprises…unfortunately, they are not always welcome surprises. I am home from the hospital -finally – and starting to feel a little…