OK. So I am trying to write them as they come in… This morning Daniel woke up with a stuffy nose and he starts hollering…
Are We Under Attack??
Spiritual, that is…A wise friend says ‘no’. And I am inclined to agree with her. Eric was in a Motorcycle accident Friday morning. He walked…
Too many funnies to remember
OK. I am WAY behind on this blog. Ugh!Daniel hasn’t stopped saying funny things, I just can’t remember what they are by the time I…
Checking In
Well, both sets of Grandparents have been to visit and that was wonderful. Now we are getting ready for school. I feel ready and not…
Praise is in Order!!
Thank you EVERYONE who has prayed for us and supported us – in all sorts of ways. I am THRILLED to report good scans!!! A…
Verses of the Day
Sometimes God shows us, tells us, communicates to us a theme or a verse over and over and over to get our attention. Since Saturday…
One more week and lab results
My labs results were disappointing, but not surprising.I am actually down 2 points. =( I have been really sick with GI side effects plus the…
Only 2 More Weeks
We are headed back to MD Anderson in two weeks! I am looking forward to the trip because I would like to be able to…
Back Online!!
Has it really been that long since I have written??I have missed my internet!!! My numbers came back – I am up to 9.7. Getting…