Well, almost a year since my last post…

I started Scrambled Eggs and Brisket (emsdaddy.blogspot.com) when we found out that Triann had cancer. It was a way for me to think stuff through by writing it out. Reading back through the posts I can see a very interesting journey but it came to a stop last February. I don’t know that all was better then, but apparently I didn’t need to write about it anymore.
So here we are, starting 2011 and back on the blog again, why? Well, once again I will blame it on Triann. She suggested that we start writing about our adventures working through my new gluten free life. Triann and I have always enjoyed cooking and now it is even more of an adventure as we look for replacements for all the gluten filled goodies we love. So the plan is to document the recipes we try, give our honest opinion (and the opinion of the folks that taste it) and as many pictures as we can.
So stay tuned, read the posts on the site (http://emsdaddy.blogspot.com) or as notes on my facebook page. Give us feedback and send us suggestions for gluten free foods you think we should try, or something you have been looking for and we will have some fun with it.
(still thinking of the catchy tagline)

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